
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Diary of Corporal Charles H. Lynch: June 24, 1864

Did not have to hurry up this morning. After breakfast, orders were, we remain here for the day. I started out to find water where I could take a bath. While hunting for such a place I met Sergeant Samuel Lee, Co. A, who was on the same errand. Together we hunted for water through the lots. We were rewarded by finding a small brook with a deep hole, close to the foot of a high mountain. A good clean place. Water enough for a good bath but not for a swim. Remained in the water for a long time. After the bath we visited the springs. Drank freely of its waters. Walked around the grounds and in some of the buildings. The soldiers raised havoc with the place. It was a fine property, badly ruined. At the springs we met our Colonel and Colonel Rodgers, and Maryland. Our Colonel said, “Boys, you ought to find a place for a bath.” We informed him, “We just came out of the water.” “Where?” he asked. We pointed out the place across a lot. Thanking us, they made tracks for the place. We lay down under the fine trees for a rest. This is certainly a beautiful place. On returning to the regiment, orders had been given that we leave in the early evening for an all night's march. It is done on account of the extreme heat. After a feed of fresh meat and coffee, line was formed and ready for the march.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 85

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