
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Diary of Corporal Charles H. Lynch: June 19, 1864

Last night, by a forced march, we overtook the army. It was a fearful night. Dark, a part of the time marching over rough roads, through lots, wading small streams, fighting back the rebel cavalry. Glad when daylight came, but no time to stop for rest this hot Sunday morning. Tired, foot-sore, hungry, and about played out, but must keep pushing on or be taken a prisoner. The cavalry are now covering the rear. Again passed through Liberty. A few miles from town, our regiment ordered to lie down behind a hill in ambush, to support the cavalry, they having got in the rear of the enemy. After a sharp fight they were routed, and many made prisoners. After these events we had a short rest and a feed of fresh meat. Detailed for guard with the wagon train for tonight.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 80-1

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