
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Brigadier-General John A. Rawlins to Mary Emeline Hurlburt Rawlins, February 10, 1864

Nashville, February 10, 1864.

. . . A division of General Logan's troops moves to-morrow from near Scottsboro to Chattanooga to take the place of troops ordered from the latter place to Knoxville; thus the ball begins to roll, and before many weeks pass the conflict between the Federal and Confederate forces in East Tennessee will commence for the mastery of that section. I have great confidence in our ability to succeed, first, because we will have the superior force unless theirs is greatly underestimated, and, second, because our line of supplies will be well established, insuring us against danger and a deficiency of supplies. Thus with the most men, and them well supplied, and a just cause, victory must incline to perch on our banners, as in times past. . . .

SOURCE: James H. Wilson, The Life of John A. Rawlins, p. 397

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