
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Major-General Thomas J. Jackson to Margaret Junkin Preston, November 16, 1861

Winchester, Va., Nov. 16th, 1861.

My Dear Maggie, — More than once your kind and touching letter respecting the sainted Amy brought tears to my eyes. For several months before leaving home, I was impressed with her great devotion to the cause of our beloved Redeemer. She was evidently ripening rapidly for a better world, where I hope that we, and the ransomed of the Lord, may be privileged to join her.

I am very grateful to you for your Christian kindness to her. If the money I sent by Dr. White is not enough to meet the little demands connected with her funeral, please let me know how much more is required, and I will promptly attend to having it forwarded. I am much gratified to know that you gave her a decent burial, and that so many followed her remains to the grave. Though such numbers cannot affect the dead, yet such demonstrations of regard are gratifying to the living.

Remember me very kindly to Mrs. Cocke, and the different members of your family. I sent your letter to A. Your dear husband has gone to Richmond for a few days. I received a letter from him since he left, in which he expressed the desire of spending one day with yon, but his services are so valuable to me that I regret to say he cannot be spared.

Very affectionately yours,
T. J. Jackson.

SOURCE: Elizabeth Preston Allan, The Life and Letters of Margaret Junkin Preston, p. 130-1

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