
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Diary of 1st Lieutenant Charles Fessenden Morse, Friday, August 16, 1861

Working on the road the same as yesterday until about five o'clock P. M., when an orderly came to me with an order to report at camp immediately; arrived there and found everything getting ready for a start. At eight o'clock, the order “fall in,” was given, and we were soon on our way down the mountain; a dark night and pouring rain. On arriving down at the foot of the mountain, we were strung along by companies between there and Sandy Hook. We then learned that the whole army had moved to Point of Rocks to cut off a rebel force that was said to be marching on Baltimore. The night was uncomfortable on account of the rain and having to bunk down on the road without blankets, but we managed to get through it.

SOURCE: Charles Fessenden Morse, Letters Written During the Civil War, 1861-1865, p. 17

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