
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Diary of Salmon P. Chase: Thursday August 8, 1862

Sent letter and scrap to my friend E., and sundry other letters to sundry people — particularly Gen. Pope's recommendation of young Perkins, with my heartiest endorsement, to Gov. Tod. Also sent Gen. Pope, by Maj. Johnson, some photographs of himself and Col. Welch, taken by the Treasury artist before he went to the field.

Attended Cabinet Meeting. Autograph letter from Queen Victoria announcing marriage of Princess Alice. — Seward gave account of Order prepared by Gen. Halleck, Secretary Stanton and himself, forbidding changes of domicil and granting of passports, until after the draft. — Nothing proposed and nothing done of any moment.

Directed Connecticut Abstract and my letter of recommendation to be sent to President.

SOURCE: Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 58

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