
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston: June 3, 1862

Yesterday, Bro. Wm., Anna, and the children came in; W. was only here a short time. It was very sweet, however, to have even this little visit from some of my own kin. I feel so lonely and isolated. How I long often to fly to dear Father and Julia for a little while, have a good cry on their bosoms, and then fly back! It is very sorrowful to be so utterly cut off from them. They are in my thoughts every day, and almost every hour. So are my brothers and their families. When I am compelled to hear scorn and loathing predicated of everything Northern (as must continually be the case), my heart boils up, and sobs to itself. But I must be silent.

SOURCE: Elizabeth Preston Allan, The Life and Letters of Margaret Junkin Preston, p. 143

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