
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston: May 30, 1862

Today brought letters from the surgeon and others, in reference to poor Frank; our worst fears about amputation realized! the arm was taken off at the shoulder on Tuesday morning; the elbow joint was too much injured, in the opinion of three surgeons, to make it safe to try to save it. Pray God his life may be spared! this is a sad misfortune, but if he only lives through it, what a mercy compared with what multitudes of others suffer! The letters speak of Frank's great fortitude and composure, even under excessive pain; indeed of his gallant bearing throughout the whole thing. What life-long trial and sorrow this dreadful war will impose upon thousands of families! How long, Lord, how long, shall we thy guilty people who deserve all this fierce wrath, continue to suffer it!

SOURCE: Elizabeth Preston Allan, The Life and Letters of Margaret Junkin Preston, p. 142-3

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