
Sunday, March 8, 2015

John Brown Jr. to John Brown, Monday Morning, September 8, 1856

Monday Morning, Sept. 8, 1856.

Dear Father And Brother, — Colonel Blood has just handed me your letter, for which I am most grateful. Having before heard of Frederick's death and that you were missing, my anxiety on your account has been most intense. Though my dear brother I shall never again see here, yet I thank God you and Jason still live. Poor Frederick has perished in a good cause, the success of which cause I trust will yet bring joy to millions.

My “circumstances and prospects'” are much the same as when I last wrote you. The trial of Mr. Williams and me is before Cato, in October, — I believe the 4th. Don't know whether or not the others will get any trial here. Judge Lecompte is reported sick, and as no notice of the names of the jurors and witnesses has been served on them, it looks as if the intention is to hold them over to another term.

Wealthy has the chills and fever almost every day. She succeeds in checking it only a short time. It would afford us a great satisfaction to see you and Jason; he, and I have no doubt you, could come up with some one without any risk. If Governor Geary should not release us, I still think of going with you, whenever you think it best, to some place out of reach of a re-arrest. I can, I have no doubt, succeed in making my escape to yon from here, where W. and Johnny  might join us. There is some talk of our being removed to Leavenworth soon. If we are, I suppose the difficulty of escape would be very much increased. I am anxious to see you both, in order to perfect some plan of escape in case it should appear best. Come up if you consistently can.

The battle of Osawatomie is considered here as the great fight so far, and, considering the enemy's loss, it is certainly a great victory for us. Certainly a very dear burning of the town for them. This has proven most unmistakably that “Yankees” will “fight.” Every one I hear speaking of you is loud in your praise. The Missourians in this region show signs of great fear. Colonel Cook 1 was heard to say that if our party were prudent in view of their success, there was nothing to prevent our having everything our own way.

Hoping to see you both soon, I am as ever

Your affectionate son and brother.
[Not signed.]

[On the reverse, “Captain J. B––––, Lawrence.” Near the above, in John Brown's handwriting, is “J. Brown, Jr., in prison.”]

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 325-6

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