
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Charles Eliot Norton to George William Curtis, February 1, 1863

Shady Hill, 1 February, 1863.

Here is our prospectus. If at any time you want to secure a still wider circulation for any one of your articles than their appearance in "Harper" affords, please send me from one hundred to five hundred slips, which can be cheaply enough struck off if done before the form for the paper is broken up.

McClellan is still here, and has been causing people to break the Sabbath to-day. Agassiz is a devoted admirer of his, and said yesterday that “he was a great but not a towering man.” Dr. Holmes studying him physiologically talks of “broad base of brain,” “threshing floor of ideas,” no invention or original force of intellect, but compact, strong, executive nature, “with a neck such as not one man in ten thousand possesses,” “muscular as a prize-fighter,” etc., etc....

SOURCE: Sara Norton and  M. A. DeWolfe Howe, Letters of Charles Eliot Norton, Volume 1, p. 260

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