
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Diary of Corporal Alexander G. Downing: Saturday, June 18, 1864

A light rain yesterday was followed by rain most of today, and all was quiet along the lines until late this evening, when there was heavy cannonading till late in the night. We were ordered to keep all accouterments on and our rifles at our sides during the night, for it is expected by our officers that the rebels will attack our left or evacuate. Deserters report that their men have orders to that effect. There has been some very hard fighting on our right this afternoon, and General Thomas has turned the rebels' left and pierced their center.1 The news from Richmond is that General Grant is on the south of Richmond, that he has taken Fort Darling, and that he is going to change his base of operations.

1 The final result of the demonstrations on the left the previous day —Ed.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 199

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