
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Lieutenant-Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, November 10, 1861

Camp Ewing, November 10 (Sunday night late), 1861.

Dearest: — I have just returned from a hard day's work examining the romantic mountain gorge of New River which we are preparing to cross, but which I suspect we shall not cross. A glorious day — exciting, and delightfully spent.

Got your letter by Dr. Clendenin on my return at dark. A good letter, darling. Write 'em often.

Yes, Fremont's removal hurts me as it does you. I hate it as much as I did the surrender of Sumter. It may be justified and required by the facts; but I don't see it in anything yet published against him.

Mrs. Herron is misinformed about Matthews. I know all about it. The colonel would have returned and expected to return. He wished a change immensely, but he would not have resigned. I am sorry to lose him. I know he did his best to get me with him. He got a promise which he thought would please me even better. — It is all agreeable with me here — perfectly so. I can't say when I shall be able to go home. Not for some weeks, but sometime during December or January, I see no reason to doubt that I shall see you. . . .

We sent home a lot of things and would send more if we could. (Take care of the soldier with the scalded hand. You will, of course.*) The reason is, the roads are bad and when we move as we must do often, we shall be compelled to leave or destroy all surplus baggage.

Mrs. Hayes.

* Mrs. Hayes wrote November 19: “We had kept the soldier, Harvey, here. His hand was badly burnt, but mother has dressed it every day, and now it is well.”

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 144-5

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