
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Brigadier-General John Sedgwick to his Sister, February 18, 1862

Washington, February 18, 1862.
My dear sister:

I have not had time to write you a word since I received orders to go to Poolesville. I have sent for a small steam-tug used on the canal; as soon as it arrives I shall be off. I am very proud to think that General McClellan should think me worthy of such a command. But I enter upon the duties with a great deal of diffidence. It is a large command (thirteen thousand men), occupying an important position, and, I fear, above my capacity; however, I shall do my best. Captain Sedgwick goes with me as one of my aides. I will write as soon as I reach there. Do not write again till you hear from me. I believe there is a daily mail from this city to Poolesville, my station. I never dreamed of having a command one fourth larger than General Scott conquered Mexico with. I wish they were as good troops, and I should feel safe.

The news from Kentucky and Missouri is glorious. Bull Run is revenged.

Yours in haste,
J. S.

SOURCE: George William Curtis, Correspondence of John Sedgwick, Major-General, Volume 2, p. 38

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