
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Brigadier-General John Sedgwick to his Sister, March 30, 1862

Camp Near Hampton, Virginia,
March 30, 1862.
My dear sister:

We arrived here yesterday morning in advance of all the troops. They are now slowly coming in. I suppose we may be here several days. The General is expected to-morrow or next day.

This town presents the most desolate appearance you can imagine; not a house standing, where formerly it contained a population of perhaps three thousand people. It was, as you may remember, one of the oldest places in the United States. There was a church standing here that was built in 1630, now in ruins.

Direct “Old Point Comfort.” It is probable letters will be forwarded, but where to is more than I can say just now. We are having a cold rain to-day, but yesterday was as warm and pleasant as May with you. Grass looks quite green and fresh.

With much love,
Your affectionate brother,
J. S.

SOURCE: George William Curtis, Correspondence of John Sedgwick, Major-General, Volume 2, p. 41-2

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