
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Franklin B. Sanborn to Harvey B. Hurd, January 3, 1857

State Kansas Committee Rooms,
Boston, Jan. 3, 1857.

H. B. HURD, Esq., Secy. National Kansas Committee.

Dear Sir, — The Massachusetts Kansas Committee have thought it best to rescind the vote by which certain rifles owned by S. Cabot, Jr., are made subject to the order of the Kansas Central Committee, and to resume possession of the same. They were taken on to Tabor, it is understood, by Dr. J. P. Root; but they seem to be still at Tabor, and not to be at present needed in Kansas. Any information which you can give our agent Mr. Clark, or any directions to your agents which will facilitate his business, we hope you will give him. The necessary expense of transporting the rifles will be reimbursed by this committee when they have obtained actual possession of them; and they will be held in trust for the people of Kansas for the present.

Truly yours,
F. B. Sanborn,
Cor. Sec. Mass. S. K. Com.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 358

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