
Friday, May 15, 2015

George L. Stearns to Edmund B. Whitman, December 18, 1856

Boston, Dec. 18, 1856.
E. B. Whitman, Esq.

Dear Sir, —We have to-day written to H. B. Hurd, Esq., asking for permission for an examination of his committee's doings and accounts by you. We have endeavored from time to time to get from them definite information of their operations; and now, when grave charges are brought in our newspapers by Kansas men against them and their agents (the Central Committee in Kansas), we are entirely without the means of contradicting these assertions, and can only oppose our general knowledge of their good character and belief in their wise conduct to the positive statements now daily current. We therefore wish you to inform yourself as fully as possible of all their operations from the commencement to the present time, taking such minutes of your researches as will enable you to give a full and close account to us, and also before our legislature, should you be called upon for that purpose. We want to know the disposition made of the money we have sent to them (about $21,600, and two hundred rifles), an account of which you have enclosed. We hope soon to see you in good health, and are

Truly your friends,
George L. Stearns,
Chairman M. S. K. Committee.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 357

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