
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Official Report: Scout from Centreville to Aldie, Va., August 16-19, 1863: Report of Col. Charles R. Lowell, Jr., Second Massachusetts Cavalry.

Report of Col. Charles R. Lowell, jr., Second Massachusetts Cavalry.

August 20, 1863.

COLONEL: Returned last night. Could not get a fight out of White. Started on Saturday, 15th, with 200 men. On Sunday explored country around Dranesville and south of Goose Creek. Could not learn that he had been in that neighborhood with more than 40 men. Found that he had passed west by Ball's Mills with that number on Saturday. Accordingly went to Aldie, scouting all the country south of Goose Creek. Found that testimony was in favor of his main camp still being near Leesburg. Sent unshod horses to Centreville, and ordered up about 50 more men to meet me at Ball's Mills. Through misunderstanding was joined by over 300 more.

Hearing of your dispatch about reported camp near Lewinsville, sent 100 men (Sixteenth New York Cavalry) again through that country. They returned last night, reporting no force there. Saw no traces of more than 2 or 3 together anywhere. Dividing my remaining 400 men, went by various routes through Leesburg, Waterford, and Hughesville, rendezvousing at Mount Gilead at 9 p.m., and passing south through Coe's Mill to Mountville.

Learned during the night that White's battalion was encamped about 2 miles north of Middleburg, on Goose Creek. Started at 2.30 a.m., hoping to surprise them, but he had word of my approach from Mount Gilead, and had changed camp during the night. I sent out small scouting parties, who found about 100 of his men still in the immediate neighborhood, but they were on the alert, and ran when a company was sent to engage them. Lost several hours trying to get near them, but the country is very open there and they were determined to keep out of the way. Gave up the attempt; sent a party down across Bull Run Mountains, and another back by Carter's Mills, and passed through Aldie myself. Found nowhere any force Returned to camp with 10 prisoners – White's and Mosby's.

White himself is very rarely with his battalion. He passes about the country with an escort of from 30 to 40 men. The battalion generally numbers about 250 strong, being left under the command of Major Ferneyhough. White is looking up-recruits and deserters, many of his men having been at home since the army went into Maryland. He has now six companies, with over 700 men on his rolls, and prisoners say that he expects to take that number with him when he leaves the country.

 Colonel, Commanding Cavalry Forces.
Col. J. H. TAYLOR,
Chief of Staff.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 29, Part 1 (Serial No. 48), p. 74-5

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