
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Resolutions of the National Kansas Committee, January 24, 1857

1. Resolved, That the treasurer be directed to reserve in the treasury, out of any unappropriated moneys in his custody, or which may be hereafter sent to the National committee, the sum of five thousand dollars, to be used by the committee in aid of Captain John Brown in any defensive measures that may become necessary; and that Captain Brown be, and he is hereby, authorized to draw upon the treasurer for the sum of five hundred dollars, as a portion of said sum, at such time as he may deem it expedient, for the said purposes.

2. Resolved, That such arms and supplies as the committee may have, and which may be needed by Captain Brown, are appropriated to his use, provided, that the arms and supplies be not more than enough for one hundred men; and that a letter of approbation be given him by this committee.

H. B. Hurd,
Sec. National Kansas Com.

Any person having property covered by the above Resolution is requested to deliver the same to Mr. John Brown or his agent.

H. B. Hurd.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 359

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