
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bayard Taylor to James T. Fields, May 13, 1861

Cedarcroft, Kknnett Square, Pa., May 13, 1861.

Being in New York three or four days ago, I found the package at the Tribune office, where it had doubtless been lying for some time.  . . . I have carefully read the proofs [of “The Poet's Journal”], and find five easily corrected errors, a note of which I inclose.

I am delighted with the appearance of the book, and will “possess my soul in patience” till the fitting time comes for its appearance.

Our visit to Germany, which was postponed, has been again determined upon, and we shall sail on Saturday, the 18th, in the City of Baltimore. We shall make but a short stay, however. I should not go at all, were it not for the fact that our passage was secured some time ago, and preparations made for us at Gotha. I can now go with an assured heart, feeling that all is safe for the present, and that the principal operations will not take place till fall. We expect to be home again early in August. . . .

SOURCE: Marie Hansen-Taylor and Horace E. Scudder, Editors, Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor, Volume 1, p. 378

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