
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Diary of Luman Harris Tenney: Thursday, May 8, 1862

Marched on towards Cowskin Prairie. A little skirmish on the road. Our course lay mostly among the Ozark Hills. A rich country and beautiful scenery. Reminded me of Vermont scenes. Enjoyed the ride much. As we struck Cowskin Prairie, a little beyond Elk Mill, we saw a band of thirty armed and mounted men. When we learned they were rebels, we followed, Co. "G" pursuing on their track, and Co. "A" going around a piece of timber. They had too much of a start and escaped. Exciting time. Scouts and spies of the enemy out in every direction. The Major said after we had rallied, that our squad, who had gone three miles farther than most of them, had been within a mile of a camp of 400 men. We were fourteen miles from Marysville where Coffee with 1,000 men was reported. We were in the Cherokee nation. Fine country. Enjoyed it well.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 14

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