
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Horace White to John Brown, January 27, 1857

Astor House, New York, Jan. 27, 1857.
Captain John Brown.

Dear Sir, — I am unable yet to give you the schedule of articles which the committee propose placing in your hands. Please address me at Chicago, stating whether a letter may he still sent to you at the Massasoit House. It will be necessary for me to examine shipping-books, etc., in our office at Chicago. I brought your matters before the notice of the committee yesterday. Resolutions were passed directing the secretary to instruct Mr. Jones, of Tabor, to retain the supplies, etc., in his hands until you had made your selections. Resolutions were also adopted empowering me to ship clothing, boots, etc., to you at Tabor, which will be done on the opening of navigation.

Very truly,
Horace White.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 360-1

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