
Thursday, July 23, 2015

1st Lieutenant Charles Fessenden Morse, May 14, 1862

Strasburg, May 14, 1862.

1 never expected to write another letter from this place during the war, but so it is. After ten days' marching and countermarching, crossing the mountains into the other valley and coming back again, we have got here again, after an absence of nearly two months, without having accomplished the first thing during the whole of that time. We line officers have drawn up a paper to be sent to the Secretary of War, begging to be transferred to another division; one copy to be forwarded to Charles Sumner, and another to Judge Thomas. A somewhat similar one is going to Governor Andrew asking his assistance. They are all ably written, and I hope they will help us out of this.

The other day, when we were over the other side of the mountains, one of Captain Abbott's men disappeared from his company. Last night he came into camp in secesh uniform. His story was that he was taken about fifty rods from our bivouac by two of Ashby's cavalry and two infantry: that they carried him about twenty miles to Jackson's main force, and then promised him they would send him to a place where he would never see Yankee-land again, but he balked them by escaping their guard one night and keeping in the woods until he got inside of Colonel Geary's lines.

I dare say you have noticed, in the paper, that our Adjutant's clerk was shot, the other day, as he was marching between Mount Jackson and Edinburgh. He was a long distance ahead of the regiment; there were three shots fired; one minié ball struck him, passing through his right arm into his body, grazing his lungs, coming out the other side: he is still living, but his recovery is doubtful. We have had three other men disappear lately, very likely shot in this same way. An orderly was fired on, the other day, but not hit; he chased the bushwhacker, wounded him and caught him.

I had one piece of good luck when we were over in the other valley. I was out with the company on picket; early in the morning, I discovered three contrabands with as many horses just outside our lines. I had them brought in before me; one of them had a beautiful brown mare which took my eye amazingly: I offered the darkey five dollars for her, and he took me up. I sent the other horses in to brigade headquarters by the contrabands.

SOURCE: Charles Fessenden Morse, Letters Written During the Civil War, 1861-1865, p. 56-7

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