
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Captain Joseph E. Hamblin to Hannah Sears Hamblin, May 10, 1861

Headquarters 5th Regiment, N.Y. S. Vols.,
Fort Schuyler, May 10, 1861.
My dear Mother and Sister,

Yesterday the 5th was mustered into United States service, — ten companies, numbering about 847 men. Orders were received last night for us to leave so soon as we can equip. We shall probably get away about Tuesday next. Our destination is unknown, probably near Washington.

Our uniform is as follows: fez cap, chocolate color with blue tassels; white flannel cape, very light, to protect the face and neck from the sun; jacket, blue with red trimmings; shirt, ditto; trousers and sash, red with blue trimmings; gaiters, brown linen; light blue overcoat; knapsack, canteen, haversack, tin cup, to every man.

By the last act of Congress an adjutant ranks as captain.

I am in splendid health, and enjoy this life. We are liberally supplied with all comforts, more, indeed, than we can take away. Every man has a pair of woollen blankets and an India rubber blanket.

The officers' uniform is red and blue fatigue cap with gold braid, dark blue frock coat, and red trousers.

I have been offered command of two companies, but the colonel will not spare me. I like my present position best, and think my chances of promotion are as good as if I were in the line.

I am writing this before six o'clock A.M.

Your affectionate son and brother,
(Captain) Jo. E. Hamblin.

SOURCE: Deborah Hamblin, Editor, Brevet Major-General Joseph Eldridge Hamblin, 1861-65, p. 8

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