
Monday, July 20, 2015

Charlotte Cross Wigfall to Louise Wigfall, July 23, 1861

We have been in the greatest excitement over our glorious victory. I am curious to know what the effect will be at the North — whether they will be panic stricken or exasperated to frenzy at such a defeat. Poor old Scott! If he had only died after the Mexican War, how much better it would have been for his military fame. They say that the trunks of some of the men were actually directed to Richmond! In the next fight I suppose of course the President will take the field. He got down too late this time — just as they had begun to retreat. . . .

The fact is the fight took place sooner than he had expected, and he had made no preparations for engaging in it. Don't however repeat anything I may say to you on such subjects.

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 73-4

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