
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Charlotte Cross Wigfall to Louise Wigfall, Thursday, June 26, 1862

Thursday 26th.

I wrote you your father had acted as Aide to Genl. Longstreet. After we got home last even ing, your father determined to go to Genl. Longstreet's Headquarters, to see if there had been any change in the programme since the night before. He did not get back till nearly twelve o'clock—and at that time, the original plan was to be carried out — and he accordingly was off at four o'clock this morning. Strange to say, however, there seems to be an impression in town, that there has been no fighting to-day; not a gun has been heard, and everyone has been on the lookout for tidings. Halsey came in just before dinner and he has heard nothing of it — so I am afraid (I was going to say) that something has disconcerted the plan and I feel quite impatient for your father's return. He said he would be back some time to-night.

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 80-1

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