
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Governor Salmon P. Chase to John Brown (a.k.a. Nelson Hawkins), June 6, 1857

Columbus, Ohio, June 6,1857.
Nelson Hawkins.

My Dear Sir. — Captain John Brown lately wrote me, requesting that I put a subscription paper in aid of the cause of freedom in Kansas in the hands of some reliable and efficient person here. I am sorry to say that on consideration I do not find there is any probability of obtaining any contributions here beyond the twenty-five dollars which I obtained for the Captain when here early last winter. The capital of a State, where calls are so constant and must have attention, is a hard place to raise money; and there are very few indeed who can be brought to see that the cause of freedom in Kansas at this time requires further contributions. I write this note to you at the request of Captain Brown, who speaks of you as his special friend.

Very respectfully and truly,
S. P. Chase.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 363-4

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