
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Jefferson Davis to Louis T. Wigfall, April 12, 1861

Montgomery, Alabama,
April 12th, 1861.
My dear friend,

Your despatch reached me after I had directed one to be sent, which anticipated your wish so fully that you might have imagined it to be an answer if the dates had been reversed. I shall attend to your request about the pistols. The Secretary of War, to whom I handed your letter, has not replied; but there can be no difficulty too great to be overborne by your anxiety in the matter.

As ever your friend,
jefferson Davis.

A want of vigilance let Anderson pass from Moultrie to Sumter. I hope your guard boats, steamers and launches are under competent and faithfully watchful officers.

J. D.

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 37

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