
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Louis T. Wigfall to Jefferson Davis, April 10, 1861

charleston, 10 April, 1861.

No one now doubts that Lincoln intends War. The delay on his part is only to complete his preparations. All here is ready on our side. Our delay therefore is to his advantage, and our disadvantage. Let us take Fort Sumter, before we have to fight the fleet and the Fort. General Beauregard will not act without your order. Let me suggest to you to send the order to him to begin the attack as soon as he is ready. Virginia is excited by the preparations, and a bold stroke on our side will complete her purposes. Policy and Prudence are urgent upon us to begin at once. Let me urge the order to attack most seriously upon you.

L. T. Wigfall.

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 36-7

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