
Friday, July 3, 2015

Major-General John Sedgwick to his Sister, April 12, 1863

April 12, 1863.
My dear sister:

I have received no letter since I last wrote. The weather continues fine, and we are daily anticipating an order for moving. The President and the Madam left yesterday, after reviewing and visiting all the troops. The large review went off very handsomely; troops looked and marched well. Mrs. Lincoln visited the hospitals, giving little comforts to the sick, without any display or ostentation, like a gentle, kind-hearted lady, as she is. Our news from Charleston, although not very definite, is not encouraging.

I have just received your note of the 6th instant, which is all right. Major Pratt sent you a check some days since, which I presume you have received before this. He is now staying with me, whilst paying off the troops about here.

With much love, I remain
Your affectionate brother,
J. s.

SOURCES: George William Curtis, Correspondence of John Sedgwick, Major-General, Volume 2, p. 89-90

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