
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Amos A. Lawrence to John Brown, February 19, 1857

Boston, Feb. 19, 1857.

My Dear Sir, — Enclosed you will find seventy dollars. Please write to John Conant, of East Jaffrey, N. H., and acknowledge receipt; or write to me saying you have received the Jaffrey money, and I will send your letter to them. It is for your own personal use, and not for the cause in any other way than that. I am sorry not to have seen you before you left. It may not be amiss to say that you may find yourself disappointed if you rely on the National Kansas Committee for any considerable amount of money. Please to consider this as confidential; and it is only my own opinion, without definite knowledge of their operations. I hope they will get a great deal of money, but think they will not. The did managers have not inspired confidence, and therefore money will be hard for them to get now and hereafter. This check, you will see, needs your indorsement.

May God bless you, my dear sir, is the wish of your friend,

Amos A. Lawrence.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 373-4

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