
Friday, August 28, 2015

Charlotte Cross Wigfall to Francis H. Wigfall, May 17, 1863

I send you, with our letters, a pound of candy and a box of Guava jelly which was given me. I know you have no sugar, and I have no doubt that although you will laugh at the idea you will nevertheless enjoy the sweets. Mrs. McLean (Genl. Sumner's daughter) has been staying with Mrs. Davis for three weeks, waiting for a passport from the Yankee Secretary of War, and Mrs. Chesnut told me the other day that it had been peremptorily refused — so I doubt if Rose will be able to get to Baltimore to her children. We are all very anxious to know the next move. I heard yesterday that Genl. Stuart was to go immediately on an extensive raid, but your father says it is not so. Genl. Lee is still here. Your father is talking of going up with Genl. Stuart in the morning.

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 128-9

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