
Monday, August 10, 2015

Diary of Sarah Morgan: June 30, 1862

As a specimen of the humanity of General Butler, let me record a threat of his uttered with all the force and meaning language can convey, and certainly enough to strike terror in the hearts of frail women, since all these men believe him fully equal to carry it into execution; some even believe it will be done. In speaking to Mr. Solomon Benjamin of foreign intervention in our favor, he said, “Let England or France try it, and I’ll be if I don't arm every negro in the South, and make them cut the throat of every man, woman, and child in it! I 'll make them lay the whole country waste with fire and sword, and leave it desolate!” Draw me a finer picture of Coward, Brute, or Bully than that one sentence portrays! O men of the North! you do your noble hearts wrong in sending such ruffians among us as the representatives of a great people! Was ever a more brutal thought uttered in a more brutal way? Mother, like many another, is crazy to go away from here, even to New Orleans; but like the rest, will be obliged to stand and await her fate. I don't believe Butler would dare execute his threat, for at the first attempt, thousands, who are passive now, would cut the brutal heart from his inhuman breast.

SOURCE: Sarah Morgan Dawson, A Confederate Girl's Diary, p. 97-8

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