
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Louise Wigfall to Francis H. Wigfall, November 14, 1862

November 14, 1862

Mama sends you by Capt. Sellers the buffalo robe and blanket and also a cake of soap, which will be sufficient for present emergencies — and as soon as another occasion offers she will send some more. Mama says as soap is $1.25 a cake you must economise! Capt. Sellers will also take the flag that Mama has had made for the 1st Texas; the tassel on it is one taken by Col. Brewster, from the field of Shiloh, just where Sidney Johnston fell, and of course therefore enhances the value of the flag. We are expecting to leave Richmond next week for Amelia, to return in January when Congress meets. Genl. Johnston reported for duty yesterday and we suppose he will be given command of the Department of the West. They are expecting to leave by Wednesday of next week, so you see there will be a general breaking up of our nice little “Mess.” I am really very sorry; for Mrs. Johnston is a sweet lovely person.  . . . Mama has promised to leave us with her next Summer when she and Papa go back to Texas. There have been several distinguished visitors at our house last week—viz., Prince Polignac; an M. P.; and our Bishop General Polk. Yesterday Major Daniel (Examiner) and Col. Myers dined here. Mrs. Elzey and the General were here evening before last: he is to have another operation performed on his jaw, poor fellow, and he looks miserably.

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 91-2

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