
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Major-General John Bell Hood to Louis T. Wigfall, November 17, 1862

Div. Hd. Qrts.
Near Culpeper, Nov. 17, '62.
My dear Genl.:

I wish you would let me know so soon as you are informed that the new Regiments are on their way to Richmond. If they came on as independent Regiments I wish to recommend a Brig. Genl. for them. . . .

If I can I will come to Richmond about the time the Regiments come on.

. . . Well, I think Mr. Burnsides is coming in a few days, and what a fight! I think we will whip him badly. Our army is in good trim for an old-fashioned fight.

Give my kindest regards to your family.

Your friend,
J. B. HoOD.
gen. L. T. Wigfall,
Richmond, Va.

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 94-5

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