
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Major-General John Sedgwick to his Sister, September 18, 1863

Culpeper, September 18, 1863.
My dear sister:

I received your letter last night. I have written this morning to Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, in whose charge the sword is, to send it by express to West Cornwall as soon as convenient, and it will probably be there within a week after the receipt of this. Have a nice horse (trestle) made for the saddle, put together in my chamber. You will perceive that we have made a move to the front without any opposition. What the plans are I do not know. I think the move was ordered from Washington; whether a judicious one remains to be seen.

I enclose a drawing for the stand. Yale will see what is wanted. Have a nice one, either black walnut or fine painted. The horse is the handsomest one in the army. I hope some day to take him home.

With much love,
Your affectionate brother,
J. S.

SOURCE: George William Curtis, Correspondence of John Sedgwick, Major-General, Volume 2, p. 157

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