
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Charlotte Cross Wigfall to Louise Wigfall, July 22, 1863

charlottesville, July 22nd.

As you see this was written before I had heard of the return of our Army to Va. . . . Your father returned on Sunday from Richmond and says young Lee told him he had left you well two days before. We came here on Monday. The people in the house where we were in Orange determined to take no more boarders. They say their supplies have given out, etc. We are staying here at Dr. Dice's on the Ridge. It is a beautiful spot and just near enough to the centre of the town to be a pleasant walk. How I wish you could pay us a little visit! Now you have got back to “old Virginny's shore” I hope to hear from you occasionally. The Administration party is bitter against Genl. Johnston, but the public will sustain him and it isn't thought true that he is to be superseded. I have just done writing Mrs. J. a long letter. . . .

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 143-4

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