
Sunday, September 20, 2015

John Brown to Horatio N. Rust, April 16, 1857

Springfield, Mass., April 16, 1857.
H. N. Rust, Esq.

My Dear Sir, — Your favor of the 9th is received. Please forward to me by express the pistols you have received, and also send me with them the amount you had to pay on the whole package. Be kind enough to say to my friend Blair that I expect funds within a day or two to meet my engagement, and that I mean to call on him. Please direct the package to John (not Captain) Brown, care Massasoit House, Springfield, Mass. Did you receive the package for Selden H. Brown?

Very respectfully your friend,
John Brown.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 376

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