
Friday, September 18, 2015

Lieutenant-General James Longstreet to Louis T. Wigfall, September 12, 1863

richmond, Sept. 12th, 1863.
Dear General,

I am on my way to join Bragg, but have some hope that I may not visit your friends at Camp Chase. If I should get that far in the enemy's country, however, I hope that I may be able to bring your friends to see you!  . . . Hood's Division are en route and the most of my command are rapidly moving on to Bragg. I hope that we may be with him in ten days more.

Do not forget me because I have gone so far away from you.

I would write more, but if I should start to go further into matters I should write more than I have time to write or you would be inclined to read. I will reserve it for a general talk.

Most sincerely yours,

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 148-9

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