
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Major-General John Sedgwick to Senator Edwin Denison Morgan, April 20, 1864

Headquarters 6th Corps,
April 20, 1864.
The Honourable E. D. Morgan,
U. S. Senate.


Understanding that some objection has been made to the confirmation of the appointment of Brigadier-General Alexander Shaler of this corps, I take the liberty of addressing you upon the subject for the purpose of soliciting your good offices in his behalf. There is not a more gallant soldier in the Army of the Potomac than General Shaler, and as a brigade commander he has at all times given perfect satisfaction to his superiors. He has commanded a brigade for a year past, serving at all times with distinction. In the successful assault on the heights of Fredericksburg, in May last, and in the seven battles which occurred on that and the succeeding day, General Shaler conducted himself with marked gallantry, contributing in no small degree to the brilliant success achieved on that occasion by the corps with which he is connected. He has certainly earned the position of Brigadier-General by his service on the field. His eminent fitness for the place is of itself a good and sufficient reason for his confirmation. It would be very difficult to replace him by as good a man. To lose him at this time from the command of his brigade would be a serious loss to the service. I would consider it a favour if you would render such assistance as you can consistently in securing the confirmation of his appointment.

Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
John Sedgwick,

SOURCE: George William Curtis, Correspondence of John Sedgwick, Major-General, Volume 2, p. 180-1

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