
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Assistant Adjutant-General H. T. Foot, Jr.

in The Swamp, Sunday Morning.
Dear Genl.:

Should you conclude from information from Col. Douglas that it is best for you to risk going out the upper road and thence down the bank of the Mississippi river, you will order the Sergeant and the man he has with him to accompany you to the Bayou — where, if there is no enemy, we will meet you. Should you decide not to come that route and determine to proceed to St. Joseph's, you can take him with you to Mrs. Liddell's, which is within a mile of Trinity, and send him to Col. Purvis, commanding at that point—sending this note, by which Col. Purvis is to understand that it is Genl. Buckner's order that he send an officer with an escort of ten men with you to St. Joseph's, who know the country well. In which event you will please order the Sergeant to return to Alexandria. I will only add that I fully concur with Col. Douglas that it is an utter impossibility for any vehicle to come the route we are now travelling and I should not be at all surprised if some of our animals found it to be their last journey. With great respect, I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

H. T. Foot, Jr.,
A. A. Gen.

P. S. —The suggestions which I have made are intended for your information in case accident should befall me.

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 205-6

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