
Friday, October 9, 2015

Francis H. Wigfall, March 21, 1864

Dalton, March 21, 1864

. . . . I have just returned from a ride with some of “the staff” looking at the country. I think Gen. Hood is quite anxious for a fight and I have no doubt will distinguish himself whenever it does come. He brought a carriage up from Atlanta when he came, but has sent it back, and rides everywhere on horseback. He is out nearly every day and rides from twelve to fifteen and twenty miles without dismounting.

. . . I heard a sermon yesterday from Gen. Pendleton, who I wrote in my last to Papa is out here inspecting the artillery of the army. He read the service, and it had a very familiar sound with the exception of the hymns, which were from the prayer book, but sung to the regular old Camp-meeting tunes, through the nose. . . .

SOURCE: Louise Wigfall Wright, A Southern Girl in ’61, p. 173-4

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