
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Major-General John A. Dix to Abraham Lincoln, November 15, 1861

Baltimore, Md., November 15,1861.
Sit Excellency A. Lincoln:

My Dear Sir,—I enclose a proclamation which I have issued to the people of Accomac and Northampton Counties, Va. Its purpose, as will be apparent to you from its tone, is to bring about a peaceable submission on their part. If they resist, they are advised that they may expect severe chastisement.

The case of these counties is peculiar. They have not engaged in any active hostility to the United States. Their people have never crossed the Maryland line. Their greatest offences are sympathizing with the Richmond leaders, and carrying on an illicit trade with the Western Shore of Virginia. One of their captains fired on a barge belonging to one of our revenue steamers; but the act was disapproved by their leading men. If they can be reclaimed and induced to throw off their connection with the Confederates, it will be a great point gained, especially as the residence of Governor Wise, their former representative, is in Accomac. And I thought it worth while to make the effort by quieting their fears, in the first place — for they have got it into their heads that we want to steal and emancipate their negroes — and, by giving them the strongest assurances of kind treatment and protection, if they do not resist the authority of the Government, I trust — I ought to say I hope, rather than trust — that they may be gained over without bloodshed. As their case is peculiar I have endeavored to meet it with a remedial treatment adapted to the special phase of the malady of Secession with which they are afflicted.

I have sent an additional force since my return from Washington. The whole number will be 4500, among them about 3500 as well-disciplined troops as any in the service.

In my instructions to General Lockwood, who commands the expedition, I have directed him to disarm and make prisoners of all persons found with arms in their hands. I have also enclosed him a copy of the Act of Congress of the 6th of August last, entitled “An act to confiscate property used for insurrectionary purposes,” the last sentence of which concerns persons held to labor and service; and I have instructed him to enforce its provisions as far as practicable.

In all I have done in this matter I have had the best interest of the Government in view, and I shall be much gratified if it meets your approbation.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

John A. Dix, Major-general commanding.

SOURCE: Morgan Dix, Memoirs of John Adams Dix, Volume 2, p. 41-2

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