
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Diary of Sarah Morgan: Friday, December 12, 1862

My cripple friend that I mentioned so far back continues to send me the most affecting messages. “He is really wretched about me; never was more distressed; thinks of nothing else”; and so on through the whole list. To cap the climax, he sends me word that he can now walk on crutches, and the first time he can venture in a buggy, means to call on me. Que le ciel m’en preserve! What could we talk about? “His’n” and “her’n” several misfortunes? That's too bad! Every one teases me unmercifully about my new conquest. I can't help but be amused; and yet, beware, young girls, of expressing sympathy, even for soldiers! There is no knowing what effect it may produce.

SOURCE: Sarah Morgan Dawson, A Confederate Girl's Diary, p. 301-2

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