
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Contract between John Brown and Charles Blair, March 30, 1857

Collinsville, Conn., March 30, 1857.

The undersigned agree to the following: First, Charles Blair, of this place, is to make and deliver at the railroad depot in Collinsville one thousand spears with handles fitted, of equal quality to one dozen already made and sent to Springfield, Mass. The handles are to be six feet in length, and the ferules to be made of strong malleable iron. The handles to be well tied in bundles; and the blades with screws for fastening to be securely packed in strong boxes suitable for the transportation of edge tools. In consideration whereof, John Brown, late of Kansas, agrees to deposit five hundred dollars with Samuel W. Collins within ten days from this date, in part payment; and four hundred and fifty dollars as payment in fall for the above named one thousand spears and handles within thirty days thereafter. The whole money to be deposited with said Collins at Collinsville, and the spears and handles to be held subject to the order of said Brown, on or before the first of July next.

Charles Blair.
John Brown.

Collinsville, March 30, 1857.

Received of John Brown, Esq., fifty dollars on account of spear contract.
Charles Blair.

Received on the within contract one hundred dollars.

Collinsville, April 22, 1857.

Received the same date two hundred dollars.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 377

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