
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Diary of Colonel William F. Bartlett: Monday, March 16, 1863

Stopped raining this morning and the sun is out very hot. I am sitting in the shade of my tent, writing up my journal. I wonder what the first reports of this affair will be in the Northern papers. They will say nothing about the order to retreat, I imagine. Colonel Clark of Banks' Staff was wounded in the leg day before yesterday, out at the front somewhere.

Over at Augur's quarters in the afternoon. They blame Farragut for stopping to fight their batteries, instead of pushing directly by. Farragut is to wait above Port Hudson until Banks communicates with him, which was the object of the expedition I was selected to command, to cross the river and go up above Port Hudson on the other side.

SOURCE: Francis Winthrop Palfrey, Memoir of William Francis Bartlett, p. 78-9

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