
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Diary of Corporal Charles H. Lynch: September 9, 1864

Camp near Summit Point, our old battlefield, June 15th, 1863. Company drill this morning. Very strange to us. No other regiment out, in the face of the enemy. Battalion drill this P. M. The boys are all mad over it. The men need the rest. It is thought Captain Tiffany wished to make a show, because we are well drilled. Dress parade at 5 P. M. A number of new recruits joined our regiment today, coming from Connecticut. They were assigned to our company, C, we having the least number of any company in the regiment, owing to losses during the severe campaign for the past eight months. Wrote a few letters. Draw four days' rations. The day closes clear and pleasant. All is quiet along the lines.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 123

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