
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Diary of Luman Harris Tenney: July 19, 1862

Kept up after eleven and packed up. The circumstances of the trouble with Wier are these: On account of drunkenness and his seeming determination to starve us out, Col. S., all the officers in his brigade and most of the others approving, concluded to arrest him; sent the adjutant with a detail of 100 men who ordered him under arrest. He refused the order. The detail presented bayonets and took him prisoner. Took him to Col. S.'s tent, where were officers representing most of the regiments. When he saw Capt. Allen of the Battery, he said, “And are you here?” and burst into tears. I never saw so much excitement. All were glad. Before this Col. S. had determined if rations did not come by Monday to march his brigade north. Left the Indians there, marched 39 miles to our old second camp, slept on the prairie as usual. Nettleton came along slowly during the day. Officers began to be frightened after 4 or 5 hours, and ordered an ambulance to go back for him. Just then he came up.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 21-2

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