
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Edward Gardiner Abbott

Edward Gardiner Abbott was the eldest son of Hon. Josiah G. Abbott, and was born in Lowell September 29, 1840. He was fitted for college at the Lowell High School, and graduated at Harvard College in I860. Immediately on graduating he began the study of the law with great zeal and industry and with high promise of success. He was commissioned a captain in the Second Massachusetts Volunteers May 24, 1861. After a brief service with distinction he was killed in the battle of Cedar Mountain August 9, 1862. See Harvard Memorial Biographies, vol. ii. pp. 82-96; Brown's Harvard University in the War, p. 134. —Eds.

SOURCE: Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Third Series, Volume 1, June Meeting, 1907, p. 123

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