
Friday, June 3, 2016

Major Wilder Dwight to William Dwight Sr., December 29, 1861

camp Hicks, Near Frederick, December 29, 1861.

Dear Father, — I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year, and I wish that I could hope to do something to help make it so. But, out here in my frontier helplessness, I can only receive favors, not do them.

It will, I trust, be a happy day for all of us when the regiment has lived its life and done its work, and can return in peace. Such is my dream, though it seems distant.

I have just read the capitulation and surrender of Mason and Slidell. Seward's letter is masterly, his conclusion dignified and perhaps just. His forbearance to hold on to them because they are not worth it is a stroke. On the whole, I am well pleased. What do you think of it?

SOURCE: Elizabeth Amelia Dwight, Editor, Life and Letters of Wilder Dwight: Lieut.-Col. Second Mass. Inf. Vols., p. 183

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