
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Lemuel A. Abbott: Monday, April 25, 1864

It has been a pleasant spring day; reported to General Silas Casey this morning; will be examined tomorrow; sat at Bradey's this afternoon for pictures. The streets are thronged with moving bodies of troops. General Burnside's Corps passed through the city this afternoon. President Lincoln reviewed it from the balcony over the ladies' entrance of Willard's Hotel on Fourteenth street. This is my first sight of President Lincoln and probably as good as I shall ever have. I was just across the street opposite on the curb and not crowded. He looked pale, very sad and greatly careworn. It depressed me to look at him. The remembrance will ever be vivid. Burnside's Corps has encamped near Alexandria for the night; saw Othello played at Grover's Theatre tonight (now the New National).

SOURCE: Lemuel Abijah Abbott, Personal Recollections and Civil War Diary, 1864, p. 39-40

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